No, it is not. Primitive Reflex Integration Therapy, not to be confused with Reflexology, is new to the health field in Canada. It is typically sought out as a more specialized solution.
Primitive Reflex Integration Therapy Sessions at MyShelle Method are customized to you in-person, one-on-one, or even online group sessions. For each person it will be different, but we can discuss it and make a plan that suits you best.
If you are at all hesitant if this can help you... please book a 30 minute complimentary call.
This WILL vary. I highly suggest starting with one to see if it resonates with your body. From there 4 sessions at a time is the best value and the body prefers routine. If you are looking for results that STICK it may take a series of 4 sessions is best taking it month by month, and some of us have had longer journeys than others.
Please feel free to book a COMPLIMENTARY 30 MIN CALL to discuss this.
At MyShelle Method, this works with human of all ages and backgrounds, including individuals, families, and the collective. From injuries to chronic pain on mental, emotional or physical levels, we will get to the roots of your struggles.
Reach out for a complimentary 30 minute consultation before booking.
Primitive Reflex Integration is stimulation of specific reflex patterns through touch or movement, to restore or mature primary movements and reflexes for coordination, skill development, brain function and sensory-motor integration processes. This technique awakens natural, genetic motor memory, motor cognition and sensory motor integration functioning which is foundational for more complicated stages of activity and development.
Primitive Reflex Integration can help with trauma recovery by changing behaviors and how the body reacts, responds or copes with sensory input and output which effects your capability for stress management. It can also benefit people with learning delays, diagnosis or challenges, improve gross and fine motor and coordination, cognitive functioning, and planning. People whom have had physical injuries or emotional traumas, can also benefit from reflex integration practices to help with grief, relief, closure or processing.
The final phase of reflex integration is the movement or behavior. When the individual practices basic, small, primitive movements this is how the new pathway turns a dirt road into a paved one. Once the new preferred pathway becomes the main response then the body doesn’t go back to the old behavior, it has literally upgraded it’s software. This is how a baby goes from crawling to walking, once a child starts to walk it prefers to stay walking, the body just does it there is no conscious choice or way about it. You may or may not be asked to practice small movements sometimes the integration process happens more naturally and shows up in your behaviors after the session.
Reflex Integration is working with your innate human design as it is wired from the body to the mind. We will be working with the electrical system that flips a switch and your body just “does things”, like on auto-pilot. You are designed to have stimulation points of contact through your skin that activates electrical signals in the mind, then that sends information to the body to do specific tasks. The more "automatic" movements that are mastered the individual has the higher chance of survival.
As an example: When a baby is putting things in it’s mouth it is unconsciously activating this through the pressure points on it’s hands. The upper limbs are “wired” to pick up food and put it into the mouth through the skin on their hand. The activation of the palm of the hand tells the brain stem to move the hand to the mouth, and this is before the child has developed any executive or cognitive skills.
Mental blocks are a real thing! Opening the conscious mind for change, getting it one the same page for transformation prevents the mind from stopping or blocking the Primitive Reflex Integration Therapy process. Creating a new connection within the mind can help the BodyMind sequencing of reflexes that are protective for your survival and more complicated movements.
A mind state of "Anything is Possible." is the ideal state for the best results with Primitive Reflex Integration.
When a reflex has not integrated or is retained in a child, they are often given a "label", by the parents, professional or even self-identified. in such statement as "I AM...", this "label" can become anchored in the mind as a "fixed state" identification. In a "fixed" state of mind, letting go of behaviors of the “old self” are necessary to shift people into a new way of being.
BodyMind Coaching can be the gateway to birthing a new way of behaving, reacting and thinking.
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